You might be wondering what a social media manager is. A lot of people confuse a social media manager with a social media advertiser. There isn’t a big difference between the two except that a social media manager’s role is to basically manage your social media profiles for you, make new publications, write small articles… etc. And the role of a social media advertiser is to advertise your pages, posts, and products on social media. And they usually do that using Facebook/Instagram ADS, Google ADS… etc.
So the question you must be asking now is: why should I hire a social media manager in the first place? and the answer is: for multiple reasons…
1- You aren’t exactly a social media savvy:
Each and every one of us specializes in something, and managing social media profiles just might not be your strongest skill. You might want to hire someone to do it for you.
It is also a good reason if you see things on social media and you get confused, for example, Hashtags #… etc
2- The variety of social media networks overwhelm you:
We all know how many social media networks exist, and we see also so many new networks every now and then. Having this many can be a little bit overwhelming. Hiring a social media manager will save you all the struggle and a lot of time.
3- You don’t have all the right tools for the job:
Social media management is a job on its own. And as with any other job, it requires some tools to be done properly and professionally. If your goal is to have a professional social media presence, you will need to have the required knowledge to do it. Professional photography material, Photoshop skills, Canva pro… etc. And hiring a professional social media manager will help you achieve your goals.
4- Writing is just not your forte:
Above all the points we have already mentioned, you will need to have some writing skills. Your writing needs to be interesting, informative, and on point. Not having writing skills or not liking to write could be a huge problem if you want to succeed on social media. Cause besides having professional visual content, having informative and interesting written topics is very important.
5- There is never enough time:
Having a business is a very exhausting thing. You have hundreds of tasks to worry about… And managing social media profiles is the last thing a business owner should worry about. That is why hiring a social media manager will save you hours of extra work every day, and will allow you to take care of other things.
6- Engagements on your pages is low:
The nightmare of every social media profile owner, especially a business profile, is to have a dead page, with very low to no engagements. The whole point of being on social media for a business is to be able to get as many people to engage with your posts as possible.
That, will not only make your page more visible but will also drive more traffic to your business, which will generate more income. Traffic = Money.
So, What are you waiting for? Do you want to hire a social media manager?
You can contact us now, and we will reach out to you. CONTACT US NOW
Hire A Social Media Manager Now.